5 best enchantments for leggings in Minecraft 1.19 update

The Minecraft 1.19 update introduced one new enchantment and several other additions. The Swift Sneak enchantment is exclusive to leggings, becoming the first enchantment. Helmets and boots have several exclusive enchantments, but chestplates and leggings lagged until Swift Sneak resolved that for leggings.

Swift Sneak is a useful enchantment, though there are a lot of useful enchantments that can be applied to leggings. Many are useful on all items, but leggings do stand to benefit.

Optimal enchantments for leggings in Minecraft 1.19

5) Blast protection

In Minecraft, blasts affect the entire body, though they are usually more targeted at the feet. For example, the explosion comes from below their feet when players accidentally set off the desert temple trap. The enchantment would be most useful on boots, but leggings are also below the belt.

Blast damage can come from anywhere, so it's useful on all armor. For that reason, it should be applied to leggings.

4) Unbreaking

Unbreaking can be level I to III (Image via Jira Minecraft)

Unbreaking is a universal enchantment that can be applied to every possible item. That doesn't take anything away from its quality, though, because it's still an incredible enchantment to use. The worst part about enchanting items is knowing they may break one day, thus undoing all the hard work.

Unbreaking makes that a much more distant possibility. It's most valuable at level III, which can greatly extend an item's life.

3) Mending

Mending is probably the best overall enchantment. It may not be the best for every item, but it is one of the best for each item, making it a powerhouse. Mending takes half of the XP earned from something and applies it to repairing items in hand.

The best part about any armor having Mending on it is that players don't have to have the item in their hands since they're already wearing it.

It can dramatically slow the leveling up process, but what's more important: keeping an enchanted pair of diamond leggings or leveling up quicker? The answer is simple.

2) Fire protection

What portion of a Minecraft player's body goes into lava first? The bottom half. As such, the bottom half needs Fire Protection more than the top half. Yes, lava eventually consumes the entire body, but players might be able to get out before it reaches their chestplate, making it more useful down low.

It is most useful on boots because they're the first to touch it. However, since there are so many exclusive boot enchantments, there may not be room for it.

Putting it on leggings ensures that crafters will be protected if they, unfortunately, fall into the lava. This is especially helpful in the Nether and strip mining because lava pools can come out of nowhere.

1) Swift Sneak

The newest enchantment to Minecraft is also the best one to use on leggings. It's also the only leggings-exclusive enchantment, which makes it even more helpful.

Normally, when crouched, crafters move at 30% of their normal walking speed. Anyone who has tried to travel while crouched knows it's painfully slow.

This speed is dramatically increased with Swift Sneak. The first level sees players move at 45% of their normal walking speed. Level two bumps that up to 60%. Meanwhile, level three sees a movement speed of an incredible 75%.

This is great for traveling in the Nether, the End and especially in the Deep Dark.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author.

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