5 best Town Hall 12 attack strategies in Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans, a real-time strategy game owned by Supercell, is an online multiplayer battle game in which players must attack rival bases with various army combinations. To get the most stars and loot, each Town Hall requires a different troop combination and attacking tactic.

Players must use different attacking strategies for multiplayer and clan war attacks, especially in Town Hall 12, where players have access to a siege machine barrack and an additional Inferno Tower. Usually, they are added in clan wars to demonstrate their talents against opponent clans.

This article will highlight the 5 best attack strategies for Town Hall 12 that can be used in both multiplayer and clan war battles of Clash of Clans.

Top 5 Town Hall 12 attack strategies that Clash of Clans players should try out

5) Mass Miner

Miners have the ability to go underground until they are near any building, which is one of the most common ground troop attack strategies in Clash of Clans. This makes the attacking strategy extremely effective during multiplayer battles.

Mass Miner is a feasible attack plan for TH12 that can help players easily achieve three stars if the enemy's clan castle troops are easy to entice.

Army composition:

  • 45 Miners
  • 2 Archers
  • 2 Wizards
  • 4 Heal Spells
  • 1 Rage Spell
  • 1 Poison Spell
  • Miners, Siege Barracks and Poison Spells (Clan castle)

4) DragLoon

It is undoubtedly the easiest attacking strategy in the game as players have the experience of using it since TH7, but when it comes to TH12, players must be prepared for Inferno Towers as well. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain the Grand Warden's ability and enough Freeze Spells to deal with the Inferno Towers.

Army composition:

  • 11 Dragons
  • 10 Balloons
  • 1 Baby Dragon
  • 6 Lightning Spells
  • 1 Rage Spell
  • 3 Freeze Spell
  • Balloons, Freeze Spells and Stone Slammer (Clan castle)

3) BoWiBa

Another common TH12 ground attack strategy that uses Bat Spells to combat single Inferno Towers. In BoWiBa, Ice Golems act as tanks, while Witches, Wizards, Bowlers, and Bats attack the defenses. As it is a high Dark Elixir attack strategy, players should use it only in clan war attacks or during special events in Clash of Clans.

Army composition:

  • 5 Ice Golems
  • 9 Witches
  • 12 Bowlers
  • 6 Wizard
  • 1 Archer
  • 4 Bat Spells
  • 1 Rage Spell
  • 4 Freeze Spells
  • 1 Poison Spell
  • Ice Golem, Bat Spells Yeti, and Log Launcher (Clan castle)

2) Electro DragLoon

As it can cause chain damage to buildings, the Electro Dragon is without a doubt the most powerful troop in Clash of Clans. Combining Electro Dragons and Balloons is one of the best attacking options for Town Hall 12. It should be used on bases where structures are close together so that chain damage can be used.

Army composition:

  • 8 Electro Dragons
  • 8 Balloons
  • 3 Rage Spells
  • 5 Freeze Spells
  • Balloons, Stone Slammer and Rage Spell (Clan castle)

1) Queen Walk Lavaloon

This air attack tactic takes a lot of work to master, but once done, it's good enough to get three stars in multiplayer and clan war attacks. This attack strategy requires a high-level Archer Queen, at least level 45.

Army composition:

  • 5 Healers
  • 24 Balloons
  • 2 Lava Hound
  • 20 Minions
  • 2 Freeze Spells
  • 4 Rage Spells
  • 1 Haste Spell
  • Balloons, Stone Slammer, and Freeze Spells (Clan castle)

Using the above strategies, players can increase their chances of getting 3-star attacks on almost every raid.

These were the best attacking strategies that players would need to get the maximum number of stars on Town Hall 12 bases.

Note: The above article is based on the writer's personal views.

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