I Am Jazz Recap 02/21/23: Season 8 Episode 5 GOAT

I Am Jazz Recap 02/21/23: Season 8 Episode 5 "GOAT"

Tonight on TLC, I am Jazz returns with an all-new Tuesday, February 21, 2023, episode and we have your I am Jazz recap below. On tonight’s I am Jazz Season 8 Episode 5 called, “GOAT’,” as per the TLC synopsis, “Jazz and Yash conclude their first date but land on different pages.

Jazz hopes attending a queer speed dating event with Jaclyn will lighten the blow. Meanwhile, Jazz starts to doubt her commitment to Harvard, but telling her parents is another story.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our, I am Jazz recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s I am Jazz Recap begins now – Refresh the Page often to get the most current updates!

Jazz is about to go in a restaurant for date, but she is feeling nauseous and doesn’t want to throw up. She takes an antacid and 15 minutes later she feel better and goes inside. She has a lot of anxiety about this date, she feels like she is on her own and had no idea how this going to go. She greets Yash with a hug. He bought her a cocktail, she ties it and says it is yummy. She tells him that all her siblings went to the University of Florida, she is heading back to Harvard soon, she is charting her own path. In the past she went through dark period of time, but now she is more confident. He says he has had his fair share of bullshit and it takes time to reprogram your brain. Jazz thinks Yash is great, he is so mature and cute. She is attracted to him. They decide to go for a walk, Jazz is feeling really at ease. They are vining and there is definitely a connection there. She says she would be open to a kiss but she doesn’t know if he is in to it. He calls the night, says it is time to go home, its getting late. She tells him that she would love to get together again, he says it is going to happen. He didn’t go in for the kiss, she is a little disappointed. The next day, Jazz says she texted Yash after their date last night and he has answered her yet, she is trying not to let it bother her.

Jeanette. Greg and Jazz and the family are headed to goat yoga. In the car Jazz tells them about her date, says it ended off on a flat note. She would totally go another date. Griffen and Sander are sitting in the back seat and Sander says dating is tough, welcome to the party Jazz. Jacky says she has to kiss a lot of frogs before she finds the prince.

They arrive at the goat farm, there are about 80 of them and they are show goats so they are super calm. Everyone grabs a yoga mat and finds a place on the grass. It starts to rain, Jacky gets up, she doesn’t want to be there in the rain, the rest continue but the rain is really light, just a few drops. The goats are all around them. Jacky says she didn’t understand the concept of goat yoga. Jazz got a message from Yash, he says he had a great night as well. Jazz doesn’t know how to proceed, she thinks his response was like he wasn’t interested, she thinks it is just going fizzle out.

Jazz is online, she is picking classes and Jeanette is helping her because the last time Jazz didn’t get the classes she wanted. She tells her parents that she doesn’t even know what she wants to do yet. The pressure is starting to get to her.

It has been a few days since the date with Yash and Jazz is confused about how things ended. She goes to a dog park with her friends Casey, Jay and Kaci. She tells them about the date, and how she hasn’t heard anything yet. She doesn’t want to make a move, she wants to feel desired. She tells them that she might go speed dating with Jaclyn. Jazz says Harvard was great, she grew as a person, but she is wondering if it is the right school for her. She has huge decisions regarding school and has to figure out if that is the best thing for her. She has been gifted with this amazing opportunity and doesn’t want to come across as ungrateful.

Jaclyn and Jazz are going to the speed dating event, it is a queer event, so Jazz is really intrigued. Jazz is a little intimidated, but excited. Jaclyn keeps running over ones, but they get there. Both girls go inside and love the vibe. As they arrive, Jazz is feeling ok. Jazz feels like she has nothing to lose, she is on a journey to find love.

Jazz finds there are some special people there, she is vibing with some of them and she is so happy that Jaclyn is with her, she is less nervous. Jazz finds herself connecting with the women more than the men and wonders if she should be dating women. One thing is for sure, speed dating got her over Yash. If someone is not interested in her, she doesn’t want to waste her time on them. She has an open mind and just wants to move forward. The evening is over, Jaclyn had fun and so did Jazz. Both agree the connected more with the women. Jazz says she felt really confident tonight, she feels like she is not going to be nervous anymore.

Jazz tells her family that speed dating was successful, she learned more about herself. Jazz is playing cards with her parents, she tells them that she has thought about it, there is a possibility that she may not go back to school after this semester. Her mother doesn’t like it, they have been through this before, she thinks Jazz will make a huge mistake. Jazz says there are so many options and so many paths for her, she thinks she can be successful without going to Harvard. Her father thinks she should see it through.

