Patrick Stewart reaction to being outed by The Guardian is rather priceless


Patrick Stewart is the best. At everything. He’s the best at acting, he’s the best at friendships, he’s the best at Twitter, he’s the best at feminism and he’s the best at trolling. So, when The Guardian wrote about Ellen Page’s “coming out,” the UK newspaper accidentally “outed” Patrick Stewart in their original article. The original article read: “Some gay people, such as Sir Patrick Stewart, think Page’s coming out speech is newsworthy.” The Guardian has since amended the story so that Patrick Stewart is no longer OFFICIALLY gay. But not before P-Stews had some fun on his Twitter:

stewart tweets

Patrick tweeted: “But @guardian I have, like, five or even SEVEN hetero friends and we totally drink beer and eat lots of chicken wings!… Well, @guardian it makes for a nice change…at least I didn’t wake up to the internet telling me I was dead again.” Then he retweeted: “Silly @guardian. You can’t catch gay by hanging out with #LGBT people.”

Just for the record, Patrick recently married… a woman. Sunny Ozell, who is 35 to his 73. Ian McKellan officiated the wedding. Was this just an honest mistake by The Guardian? Or did they confuse Ian and Patrick because – well – they’re both hilarious old coots and they spend a lot of time together?



Photos courtesy of WENN, Patrick’s Twitter.
