The White Princess Recap 5/21/17: Season 1 Episode 6 English Blood on English Soil

The White Princess Recap 5/21/17: Season 1 Episode 6 "English Blood on English Soil"

Tonight on Starz their popular drama The White Princess returns with an all-new Sunday, May 21, 2017, episode and we have your The White Princess recap below. On tonight’s The White Princess Season 1 Episode 6 recap called “English Blood on English Soil,” as per the Starz synopsis, “Lizzie (Jodie Comer) and the king (Jacob Collins-Levy) head to Spain to secure their son’s betrothal; and unrest grows in Burgundy and spills over into an English battle.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our The White Princess recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, recaps, videos and more, right here!

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The White Princess begins tonight with the execution of the traitor Bosworth. His final words to King Henry (Jacob Collins-Levy) is that he isn’t the true king and England rots beneath him; Queen Lizzie (Jodie Comer) holds Henry’s hand in support as he continues to say Henry will have to kill many people who will say, “Long live the true King Richard.” He is then beheaded; Prince Arthur, Duke of York turns his head and his father tells him he will never wear the crown if he cannot watch a traitor die.

Henry and Lizzie sit in the garden as Lizzie assures him the rest of his men are loyal, as well as her. He brings up how she can’t look at him after her mother said Richard was alive; Lizzie admits there was some truth to what she said revealing they placed a servant boy in the tower and shipped Richard off to safety; Henry is furious she has lied to him for years.

She said they understood the silence after his disappearance as a sign of his death since soldiers destroyed their property and killed all males there. She insists the boy in Burgundy is just another fraud as she is sure her brother is dead. She says the reason she never told him anything was so he wouldn’t ever fear a York man and reaffirms that Richard is dead, but he wants to know who he is since this Richard (Patrick Gibson) of York is about to marry a Scottish girl and once the wedding feast is done he will want Henry’s kingdom.

At the marriage ceremony of Richard and Cathy Gordon (Amy Manson) in Burgundy, Duchess Cecily says King James of Scotland and faces of every royal house in Europe are there minus Spain; which Duchess of Burgundy explains away saying they are too busy with the New World but Duchess Cecily feels they may be on the Tudors’ side over the Yorks’.

Cathy’s ladies prepare her for her wedding night with Richard and the next morning he leaves her while she sleeps to speak with the Duchess of Burgundy, Margaret who tells him he must rejoin the celebrations and work hard with the heads of state there for the war they are waging against England and the Tudors. Richard worries that if they don’t have Scotland behind them, they will fail before they even start.

Margaret Beaufort (Michelle Fairley) kneels in the church while Henry shares he is lost without his Uncle Jasper Tudor (Vincent Regan). He tells her 3 months have passed and he cannot lose her and his uncle.

King Henry receives a letter from Burgundy and happily shares with Lizzie the boy is the son of a boatmen and not Richard; he says writing his letter to Scotland will be of great joy as King James will learn he has shamed his cousin. Lizzie is visibly upset and shares that her mother Dowager Queen Elizabeth (Essie Davis) has written her again, begging her to visit and she throws the letter in the fire.

Maggie (Rebecca Benson) tends to a very sick Dowager Elizabeth. Maggie nods when Elizabeth asks if she saw her Richard; Maggie’s husband quickly says they saw a pretender and nothing more. Elizabeth begs for Maggie to make Lizzie come to her before she dies.

Maggie tells Lizzie they haven’t had a chance to speak since her trip to Burgundy but Lizzie doesn’t want to hear anything, especially since she was told Maggie went to see her mother again. Lizzie tells her she knows of all the letters her mother writes to Burgundy and Maggie admits she saw one showing that all of Europe has accepted Richard.

Lizzie rushes away after she hears of the wedding, not responding about visiting her mother. Lizzie informs Henry and the council that Prince Arthur is old enough to marry Isabelle of Castiel and the alliance will make them unbreakable. Henry says they will not leave the proposal to a letter and they will travel there in person.

Margaret confesses to Cardinal Morton (Kenneth Cranham), saying God hates her and has deserted her. She tries to tell him she killed Jasper but he says it was God’s will and she couldn’t save him and no act of theirs could have changed that. He tells her a pilgrimage will help her restore her faith and find her way; give as arms and everything will be clean to her.

Henry watches as they load the wagons for their journey but notices his son watching him through the window. He chooses Maggie’s husband to be Arthur’s tutor and guardian in his absence; saying he couldn’t think of any better loyal Tudor soldier who reminds him so much of his uncle.

He informs them they will be living at court but they don’t have to worry about Harry as he is going on a pilgrimage with his grandmother, Margaret. Margaret tells Harry that since he is the second son, he will not be King but he could be Pope and answer only to the Lord their God. In England, Lizzie and Henry share a passionate kiss before leaving on their journey to Spain.

Duchess of Burgundy, Margaret tells him Scotland brings him one step closer to his kingdom he must use his York charm to persuade them. She advises his very pregnant wife to keep him happy but focused and tells her to make the baby a boy. Duchess Cecily worries for Richard who tells her this is God’s work and he will decide the outcome. She stares into his eyes and then kisses his hand as he leaves.

She tells Margaret she doubts this boy is her grandson, even after calling him her grandson for 7 years; she says the boy she knew had different eyes; Margaret tells her Richard’s eyes were always blue, not green but Cecily asks if this is just another one of her vengeance ploys risking another young boy’s life?

King Henry and Queen Lizzie arrive in Spain, where they are greeted and escorted into the palace; they are introduced to Princess Catarina of Aragon, who performs a beautiful dance with her subjects. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabelle are then presented from behind the curtain. King Henry begins to propose an alliance through marriage but Isabelle insists they only speak in Spanish.

Isabelle continues to speak in Spanish speaking shamefully about the English court and Henry’s family. Suddenly, Lizzie responds to her in Spanish which impresses her husband, Henry but Isabelle has harsh conditions. She orders that both Teddy and Richard be killed as she will not give her daughter in marriage only to have the throne snatched from her. She says when there is only one heir to the throne of England will they talk about marriage. Isabelle orders her to lie to Henry and say it has to go through the Pope but Lizzie understands what needs to be done.

Margaret, Henry’s mother continues her pilgrimage as young Prince Harry watches from afar. She continues to give the priests gold for his soul. She tells him giving is good for the soul and if you give to God, everything you do will be His will; even if its costly to yourself. Harry wants to know how many churches they need to visit? She tells him as many as it takes to hear God’s voice.

Dowager Elizabeth whispers that Richard is getting closer and he is coming home. Maggie is quickly woken by her husband who says the boy has crossed the river with King James and his army. He orders her to take Prince Arthur to the royal apartment in the tower for his safety. Maggie introduces Teddy (Albert de Jongh) to his cousin Arthur, concerned about what he is doing.

Henry’s mother, Margaret and Prince Harry are stopped by a messenger who says there is a great army headed towards London; he orders her to come quickly where they hide her and Prince Henry to a monastery. She offers to have a library built and stocked for them. As she watches the revolt she says once they have passed they are returning to London as God doesn’t smile upon her pilgrimage.

King Henry and Queen Lizzie return to see how large Richard’s army has grown. Henry is furious believing all the South and South West are lost to him. He prepares the men he has and orders them to take the names of those who refuse to ride with him. He informs them they have no allies. Lizzie learns Arthur is in the tower safe and Harry is under guard with her mother-in-law.

Lizzie helps Henry prepare his armor for the war when he tells her he has never gone to war without Jasper. She says his strength rides with him into the battlefield, as does hers. He promises to return to her a victor; as they walk the hall his mother says she prayed but the boy is against her. Lizzie calls her son over as King Henry ignores his mother and brushes right past her without a word.

Elizabeth sits in her room at the Abbey and uses magic to protect Richard, to give him the win, to fight and to stay alive. At their camp, Henry notices something and calls his men to follow him into the woods, they can hear men but do not see anyone. Elizabeth drops the ring and ribbon into the water bowl.

Henry returns to court kissing Lizzie saying they withdrew as Richard didn’t have the will to fight him. She says then he isn’t a York man as no real York man would run from battle and no one will believe the boy is really Richard now. They return to their chambers, make love and Lizzie reassures Henry no one will take this from them.

Duchess of Burgundy is furious that he left the battlefield because his wife had their baby early; she is now receiving letters threatening from supporters that want to make peace with the Tudors now. Cecily reminds her that the boy is acting like a King who now has a true York heir, a son and Henry will be furious as this strengthens his claim to the English throne. Henry feels they need Spain more than ever.

His mother, says she will pray as Lizzie works on letters to every ally they can find. Dowager Elizabeth walks outside the Abbey and collapses in the grass. Henry comes to see Lizzie encouraging her to go see her dying mother. He says he regrets not seeing Jasper before he died because he will never know what he wanted to say to him. He tells her he must do what the boy has done and go to the people who will follow him.

Lizzie takes her mother’s hand and kisses her. Elizabeth said she waited for her and now that she has come she can go. She begs her to take care of her brothers; Lizzie begs her to stay with her but when her mother asks her to take care of Richard, Lizzie says Richard is dead but Elizabeth insists he is coming; then she asks if Lizzie can hear the singing and she passes away as Lizzie sobs into her chest.

Richard prepares for war, telling Cathy to take their son and find sanctuary and he will come for them both when he has won. Lizzie arrives at the war camp, where some of them men say disgusting words to her. Henry is shocked Lizzie rode through the night to tell him about her mother’s death. Henry says they are alone as his own men are flocking to the boy’s side. She says they are traitors and cannot do this.

She finds the men and asks them how they would abandon Henry for a pretender and run from a war with their tail between their legs. She says if the boy was her brother Richard, she would tell them herself and this boy is only here to kill their King, God’s king: King Henry Tudor. She tells them if they won’t do it for Henry then do it for her, the daughter of King Edward IV and Queen Elizabeth, who has just passed into God’s hands.

Henry is amazed when he sees his Queen Lizzie leading all his men back to his war camp. She tells him his men are there and they support him. He tells them when the war is over they can return to their families, their country and their Queen. Lizzie doesn’t want to leave him but he says the guards will bring her back to London and the battle begins. Suddenly Henry yells, asking where the boy is.

Back in London, they have a celebration but Henry isn’t happy that he won knowing the boy will raise another army and return. The music stops when it is announced the boy has claimed sanctuary so no man can touch him; King Henry’s mother says she can do it, saying God’s ways are mysterious and this is her calling, to be the guardian of her son’s reign.

She arrives at the Abbey with some guards ordering the Abbott to bring out the boy. She says she is there to do God’s work and she will see that definition in the Bible in their library; he orders them to bring out the boy. She tells one of her guards to exchange clothes with him and says his impotence insults the Lord. His wife watches with their son as they strip him down. Lizzie, Henry and their children learn that his mother has possession of the boy.

