Who is Connor Bedards sister, Madisen? Exploring relation of projected No. 1 pick at 2023 NHL Dra

Tom and Melanie Bedard are the parents of NHL prospect Connor Bedard. They have two kids, Connor and his sister Madisen. Tom and Melanie lived in North Vancouver, Canada, where Connor and Madisen grew up.

From a young age, Connor loved being outdoors and playing with other kids in their neighborhood. Madisen, already a skilled gymnast, played a key role in driving Connor to improve his abilities.

(Source: Mike G. Morreale, NHL)

As children, they would engage in friendly competitions, like chin-up contests in the kitchen, where Madisen would often outperform Connor. Despite initially disliking skating, Madisen was the first person to accompany Connor on the ice for his first skate. Over time, Connor's passion for hockey grew, thanks to the joy he found in handling a puck and a stick.

Their parents kept a low-key approach, aiming to provide a normal childhood for both Madisen and Connor. While Madisen focused on gymnastics, she recognized Connor's talent in hockey. Although gymnastics and hockey were different sports, Madisen admired the impact Connor had on his team at a young age.

Connor Bedard's sister moved to Sweden to support him

Connor Bedard's journey in Regina was temporarily put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as the WHL season faced significant delays. However, he was fortunate to have an opportunity to play in Sweden during this time. Madisen stepped in to support her brother, accompanying him overseas while their parents handled responsibilities at home.

Despite the challenges and uncertainties of the pandemic, Madisen's presence provided comfort to Melanie, their mother, who was understandably anxious about their trip.

As a third-year kinesiology student at Simon Fraser University, Madisen had initially planned to move to Calgary. The timing aligned, and she offered Connor the necessary support during his time in Sweden. Madisen took on various responsibilities, assisting with cooking and organizing, while ensuring that Connor's training and schedule were on track.

The experience of living abroad during a pandemic was unique for both Madisen and Connor, and they adapted to the eight-hour time difference for online classes and training sessions.

During their two-month stay in Jonkoping, Sweden, Connor Bedard trained rigorously and played several games, improving his skills. His performance in Sweden laid the groundwork for his much-anticipated WHL debut.

Madisen witnessed firsthand Connor's work ethic, determination, and ability to handle pressure with resilience. His drive and goal-oriented mindset left a lasting impression on her, as she recognized his focus and ability to block out external distractions.

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